How It Works
Utilize our Chia Plotting Services, Fast Plotting Up to 40x faster than an entry-level PC or website services out there!
Plotting takes a relatively long time and requires an optimal mix of available CPU Cores, Memory, and expensive SSD Disks. Instead of investing in a Plotter machine that you may not need once your plotting has been completed, we will do the plotting for you.
Step 1. Just order your plots online with your Public farmer and pool keys.
Step 2. Send us your hard drive or let us send you a new Hard Drive with your plots.
Step 3. We will verify your plots and ship back your order within 72 hours.
Limited offer! only $25 per Terabyte of Plots.
That’s $15 off our regular pricing!
Secure Services
Using your “Farmer Public Key” (farmer_pk) and “Pool Public Key” (pool_pk) we can create plots that will work with your Chia Secret Key once you get the hard drives back.
Once you have installed Chia successfully, run the command: “chia keys show”, the Farmer public key and Pool public key is shown in bold below (In Windows, MacOS and Linux, you might need to set different path for this chia executable).
Once Plotted we will verify before shipping it back to you.